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Barriers to Civic Engagement -- a TED Talk from Dave Meslin

Submitted by Anonymous on

I just watched this 6.5 Minute TED Talk that pulls apart all the reasons that we become "disengaged" in the political process.
I think he has hit the nail on the head - he left me feeling a faint ray of hope - that we can use our power as voters to push for reforms of all of his points.
Please watch - only 6 minutes, and it gives us some answers and maybe a way forward !

Larry Lessig's 7 minute plenary speech at the #UNRIG conference in New Orleans

Submitted by Anonymous on

Fix Democracy, First

Watch it on youtube here:

Lots of coverage of the Summit here on the official website: of Larry's speech From:

What follows is the text for my 7m (or so) speech at the #UNRIG conference in New Orleans at the begin

Unrig the System Summit

Submitted by Anonymous on

<div><img alt="" src="; />
<h1>Supporting Materials</h1>

<h3>For the presentation by Carla Miller at the "<u>Unrig the System</u>" Summit in New orleans:</h3>

<p>Seminar Title: <strong>Unrigging Local Politics: What to Do and How to Do It</strong><br />
Sat Feb 3, 2018,  3:30 PM - 4:30 PM</p>

A new way to influence elections without transparency

Submitted by Anonymous on

<p>We are seeing the first detailed evidence of the tampering that went on during the 2016 campaign for U.S. President.  This is a whole new category of "nasty" that allows people without scruples to feed false information into the mix without any transparency.  In this article, the NY Times lays out a host of Facebook and Twitter advertising that was purchased (estimated at $100,000 in paid advertising) but sources were never  revealed - as you might expect.</p>

Congratulations to Robert Wechsler on his retirement!

Submitted by Anonymous on

<p>City Ethics was in its infancy stage in the early 2000's when I got a letter in the mail. (Yes, an actual handwritten letter.)   "Do you need any help with research?" asked Rob.  "Yes", was the immediate answer and the beginning of a wonderful partnership and friendship with Rob. His first project was the compilation of municipal ethics codes with the view towards synthesizing them into a Model Code.  Not too many people could confront doing such an enormous project, but he did it.
