Barriers to Civic Engagement -- a TED Talk from Dave Meslin

By Anonymous, 23 July, 2019

<p>I just watched this 6.5 Minute TED Talk that pulls apart all the reasons that we become "disengaged" in the political process.<br />
I think he has hit the nail on the head - he left me feeling a faint ray of hope - that we can use our power as voters to push for reforms of all of his points.<br />
Please watch - only 6 minutes, and it gives us some answers and maybe a way forward !</p>


<p><em>Local politics -- schools, zoning, council elections -- hit us where we live. So why don't more of us actually get involved? Is it apathy? Dave Meslin says no. He identifies 7 barriers that keep us from taking part in our communities, even when we truly care.</em></p>

<p><em>This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxToronto 2010, an independent event.</em></p>
