City Ethics Publications

By Anonymous, 20 April, 2015

<br><b>NEW!</b><a href="publications/lobbying"><i><b> The Regulation of Local Lobbying.</i></b></a> The first book on the subject of local government lobbying is now available. By Robert Wechsler, Director of Research-Retired.<br>

<br /><a href="publications/LGEP-Nutshell"><i><b>Local Government Ethics Programs in a Nutshell,</i></b></a> a free 27-page introduction to the topic. By Robert Wechsler, Director of Research-Retired.<br>

<a href="ethics book"><i><b>Local Government Ethics Programs 2.0,</i></b></a> the second, updated, improved and expanded edition of this free, comprehensive digital resource book for ethics commission members, ethics reformers, local government attorneys, local officials, journalists, and anyone else interested in learning more about government ethics. By Robert Wechsler, Director of Research-Retired.<br>
<a href="content/model-code-introduction"><i><b>Model Municipal Ethics Code,</i></b></a> an annotated model code that uses clear language and explains the reasons behind provisions. A great guide for those drafting ethics codes or amendments to ethics codes.<br>
