By Anonymous, 29 April, 2015

<h1>The Paradoxes of Political Ethics</h1>

<p> </p>

<p><strong>Dennis F. Thompson</strong></p>

<p>Harvard University</p>

<p> </p>

<h1>Government Ethics Conference</h1>

<p><b>Office of Government Ethics</b><br />
Virginia Beach, Virginia<br />
September 11-13, 1991</p>

By Anonymous, 29 April, 2015

<p><u><strong>Ethical Reasoning: Institutional Corruption</strong></u> was a course held from January 28, 2014 through May 26, 2014 at Harvard College.  It was taught by Lawrence Lessig (Law School) and William E. English.  The course consisted of 26 lectures and accompanying materials.</p>

<h2>Course description: </h2>

By Anonymous, 28 April, 2015

<p>This page demonstrates how various markup on looks.</p>

<h2>Example h2 heading</h2>

<p>Drupal modules define themeable functions which can be overridden by the theme file. Users can belong to more than one role.</p>

<h3>Example h3 heading</h3>

<p>They often contain lists of nodes or other navigational content and are frequently placed in the left or right regions of a page. From Drupal 6, the weight field is adjusted dynamically using a drag-and-drop interface.</p>

By Anonymous, 28 April, 2015

<p>This page demonstrates how various markup on looks.</p>

<h2>Example h2 heading</h2>

<p>Drupal modules define themeable functions which can be overridden by the theme file. Users can belong to more than one role.</p>

<h3>Example h3 heading</h3>

<p>They often contain lists of nodes or other navigational content and are frequently placed in the left or right regions of a page. From Drupal 6, the weight field is adjusted dynamically using a drag-and-drop interface.</p>

By Anonymous, 20 April, 2015

<p>CITY ETHICS is a non-profit organization formed in 2000. Its purpose is to provide a centralized location for information and resources for all forms of local government ethics programs. City Ethics was started by attorney and former federal prosecutor Carla Miller and her husband, Don McClintock, who has a long career in the technology sector.<br />
The idea for City Ethics was "hatched" at the 2000 national conference of COGEL, the <b>Council on Governmental Ethics Laws</b>.

By Anonymous, 20 April, 2015

<br><b>NEW!</b><a href="publications/lobbying"><i><b> The Regulation of Local Lobbying.</i></b></a> The first book on the subject of local government lobbying is now available. By Robert Wechsler, Director of Research-Retired.<br>

<br /><a href="publications/LGEP-Nutshell"><i><b>Local Government Ethics Programs in a Nutshell,</i></b></a> a free 27-page introduction to the topic. By Robert Wechsler, Director of Research-Retired.<br>