Campaign Finance

By Anonymous, 10 September, 2017

<p>We are seeing the first detailed evidence of the tampering that went on during the 2016 campaign for U.S. President.  This is a whole new category of "nasty" that allows people without scruples to feed false information into the mix without any transparency.  In this article, the NY Times lays out a host of Facebook and Twitter advertising that was purchased (estimated at $100,000 in paid advertising) but sources were never  revealed - as you might expect.</p>

By Anonymous, 11 November, 2015

I have all but called for prohibiting mayoral golf tournaments and similar pet nonprofit events,
because they are an unnecessary form of pay to play that is legal primarily
because they help good causes in the community. China, which tends
to take things too far, has gone extremely far in the latest order

By Anonymous, 1 October, 2015

It was only a matter of time before the U.S. Supreme Court's
campaign finance opinions (and decisions at the trial and appellate
level that have applied them to other situations) would be used to
argue that conduct prohibited or limited by government ethics
provisions are also protected as free speech by the First Amendment
of the U.S. Constitution.<br>
In August 2015, a complaint against the state legislative ethics
commission (attached; see below) was filed in the Eastern District

By Anonymous, 21 May, 2015

<p>Philadelphia's Democratic mayoral primary this week brings the national focus on Super PACs to the local level. In that primary, which is the most important election in that Democratically-inclined city, most of the money that was spent was spent by Super PACs, not by candidates.<br />
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By Anonymous, 25 February, 2015

<p>Yesterday, two members of a New York City council member's election campaign were indicted on criminal charges brought by a special prosecutor, who was appointed in 2012. Read this <a href="…; target="”_blank”">December 2014 New York <em>Law Journal</em> op-ed piece</a> by Brennan Center (NYU) Chief Counsel and longtime New York City Corporation Counsel Frederick A.O.

By Anonymous, 25 February, 2015

<p>Is it, as Every Voice says <a href="…; target="”_blank”">in its celebratory e-mail</a> last night, an "exciting victory [that] sent a loud and clear mandate to city and state governments to fundamentally reform the way we fund elections so that everyday Americans can take back control of their democracy"?<br />
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