
By Anonymous, 11 March, 2016

<p>City Ethics was in its infancy stage in the early 2000's when I got a letter in the mail. (Yes, an actual handwritten letter.)   "Do you need any help with research?" asked Rob.  "Yes", was the immediate answer and the beginning of a wonderful partnership and friendship with Rob. His first project was the compilation of municipal ethics codes with the view towards synthesizing them into a Model Code.  Not too many people could confront doing such an enormous project, but he did it.


By Anonymous, 24 June, 2009

<div><a class="thickbox" href="files/pittsburgh-L.jpg" title=""><img alt="Click for enlarged image" src="files/pittsburgh-S.jpg" /></a> In the fall of 2008, Carla Miller consulted with the City of Pittsburgh to prepare reforms to regulation of: lobbyist activity, no-bid contracts, campaign finance reform and stronger Ethics Code provisions. Recently, we received a written acknowledgement of this work from Council member William Peduto.


By Anonymous, 24 June, 2009

This page is designed to accommodate any acknowledgments that we have received as a response to our services to Cities and Counties for our consulting services.
<li>Pittsburgh reforms - Fall, 2008 <a href="/services/acknowledgment/pittsburgh-june2009">Click Here</a>.</li>

We will add links to this page as new acknowledgments are received.


By Anonymous, 17 August, 2008


<p><a href="files/2006-06-21-Ethics Camp-NY Times Article.pdf"><img src="files/pdf.gif" />  New York Times Article: "<em>At Ethics Camp, Not-So-Tall Tales From the Dark Side</em>"</a></p>

