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FORUMs in Community building

Submitted by Anonymous on

The use of a self-registration based community website is a relatively new thing for the webmasters of the world. For example, in the past, using static html pages, a typical "labor of love" webmaster was forced to create all of his/her content on a continuous basis, costing a great deal of time and effort if you wanted a current, clean and exciting web experience.

It's time to erect a red light at door to the green room

Submitted by Anonymous on

The [Jacksonville] City Council's now notorious green room had members of the city's Ethics Commission seeing red earlier this week. Well, if not exactly red, pretty darn close.

The commissioners were reacting to news reports about how the green room is used, or perhaps abused.

The room is adjacent to the City Council chambers and is accessible through the chambers and through a side door at the front of City Hall that is locked.

"Indictment Friday" has become just another day

Submitted by Anonymous on

<p><table width="380" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>By Andy Grimm / Post-Tribune staff writer</td></tr></table>
<p><b>HAMMOND '' </b>What ever happened to 'indictment Fridays'?
<p>This time last spring, the tension in Lake County political circles used to build like a lottery jackpot each week before Friday news conferences hosted by U.S. Attorney Joseph Van Bokkelen.

Letter to the Editor, Philadelphia Weekly April 13th 2005

Submitted by Anonymous on

I am an attorney, the ethics officer for the city of Jacksonville, Fla., officer of COGEL (Council on Governmental Ethics Laws) for the United States and founder of City Ethics. I'm also originally from Philly.

I'm aware of the struggles many cities across the United States are experiencing in establishing ethical governments. Recently I've had several people from Philadelphia contact me to talk about your government and potential ethics reforms that are being discussed.

Miami/Dade Best Practices

Submitted by Anonymous on

<h3>Community Outreach: Public schools</h3>
<p><strong>Model Student Ethics Commission Program (MSECP)</strong></p>

<p>The program is designed to teach and to engage students in the policies and issues concerning ethics, good governance and accountability in the administration of government. Students will review case studies regarding ethical dilemmas, identify solutions to various ethical issues within the local to international arenas and participate in mock public hearings to discuss/debate public policy issues.</p>

New web site Content Management System for CityEthics !

Submitted by Anonymous on

General information about the new Content Management System A dynamic web site platform which allows an individual or community of users to publish, manage and organize a variety of content, Drupal integrates many popular features of content management systems, weblogs, collaborative tools and discussion-based community software into one easy-to-use package.